If you've forgotten your password to log in to your account, SecureGive makes it easy to quickly regain access.
- Go to app.securegive.com
- Click Forgot Password? under the password field
- Enter the email address associated with your SecureGive account (where you receive email receipts)
- Check your email. You should have an email with instructions for resetting your password. Click the button in the email.
- You're then taken to a password reset page. Enter a new, secure password that you can remember. Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters long and must include all of the following: a number, a symbol, an uppercase letter, and a lowercase letter.
- Enter your password one more time for confirmation.
- Click Reset Password to save your new password.
- You will be taken back to the Sign In screen where you can use your email address and new password to sign in.