If the organization that you give to uses mobile giving, then follow the instructions below to give through the SecureGive app on your mobile device.
Note for iOS and iPadOS Users: if your organization has been approved to accept mobile transactions through Apple Pay, then the entire donation process will take place within the app. If your organization has not set up mobile payments through Apple Pay, then after you've picked your organization within the app, the donation process will finish in Safari.
Download the Mobile App
You can download the SecureGive mobile app from your own app store.
Sign into the Mobile App
Open the app and Sign in by entering your SecureGive login credentials. If you don't have an account yet, you can create an account by tapping on the Sign Up text at the bottom.
Choose Your Organization
Once you sign into your account, you will land on a dashboard that will show your previous donation activity and will list recent organizations that are linked to your account From this screen, you can see your last transaction and choose to view the details or easily repeat it with just a couple of clicks. If you do not wish to repeat it, just choose your organization's button to be taken to their mobile giving page.
Make A Donation
1. When you click on the organization you wish to donate to, you will see a list of locations if your organization has multiple locations active. If your organization has donations and purchases set up, the next screen will allow you to choose one of those.
2. Your next step will be to choose the categories and amounts you wish to give. Then decide whether you want to make a one time transaction or create a recurring transaction.
One Time Donation
a. If you choose to make a one time donation, then confirm the amount by tapping the Total button at the bottom.
b. Then choose an existing payment method or choose to add or edit one. Then review your transaction and click Donate to submit.
Recurring Transaction
a. If you want to make a recurring transaction, then after entering your amounts tap the recurring button. Next, you will choose the frequency (how often you would like the donation to run), and the days or dates you would like it to charge on