What is Apple Pay?
Apple Pay allows donors who use Apple devices to donate to your organization using their saved cards from their Apple Pay Wallet. It's a simple and highly secure way for donors to complete transactions, verifying their donation method using their fingerprint.
How do I setup my account to use Apple Pay?
There are two steps you'll need to go through with a company called Benevity. You'll first need to register your organization with Benevity, and then you can submit for Apple Pay approval. *Note: not all merchant processors are currently compatible with ApplePay and SecureGive. Please check with SecureGive to confirm that your processor is compatible.
Who is Benevity?
Benevity is a 3rd party company used by Apple that helps with organizing and approving non-profits for accepting Apple Pay donations through Apple devices.
1. Register with Benevity
Visit https://causes.benevity.org/causes/claim-cause-search and use the box to search for your organization. This is searching their 501(c)(3) database, so if you aren't found or aren't a 501(c)(3), you can use the steps at the end of this article to manually register. Once you create your account, there are different steps to complete as part of the registration process. One of these steps includes a self-certification declaration that requires answering questions about your organization. Please note that your answers to these questions are for gathering information about charities and vetting them, so please answer honestly. You'll need to complete these Benevity steps until your account is at least 80%. Since funds are not technically funneling through Benevity, on the Electronic Donation Payments step, it is easiest to select Check as your payment method. This only matters if you're using Benevity outside of SecureGive. Note: After selecting Check as your payment method, it will still list as Not Completed in Benevity. This is OK and does not affect your Apple Pay approval. The minimum requirements for the Complete your Profile step is to fill out the Short Summary and Charity Description fields.
2. Request Approval for Apple Pay
Visit http://causes.benevity.org/apple-pay and search again for your organization. Once you select your organization, you'll click the button saying "Request Approval for Apple Pay". When asked to provide your Apple Developer Team ID you can enter SecureGive's Developer ID = 73WDM4H424 . If you already have your own Apple Developer account, you can list your own Team ID instead. When asked what pages you want Apple Pay enabled for, enter app.securegive.com .
Once approved, just let SecureGive know and we can enable mobile on your account so you can begin using Apple Pay with your mobile giving.
We aren't a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit. Can we still apply?
If your church isn't a registered 501c3, you will need to ask Benevity to manually create a profile for you: https://causeshelp.benevity.org/hc/en-us/ (click Charity Support Request in the top right). You'll be asked for a "Tax Exempt Status Letter" from the IRS. If you don't have one, Benevity will accept a voided check as a substitute. Once approved, you can then begin using Apple Pay with SecureGive. Please note, if you are a Non-Profit organization that is not a church (as defined by the IRS), you will be required to have your 501(c)(3) status before Benevity can create a manual profile.