"Payment Method Cannot Be Deleted" Error Message

You can delete a payment method by following the steps in this link: Delete a Saved Payment Method

But if you try to delete a payment method and get the "This payment method cannot be deleted because it is tied to a recurring transaction" error, then it means that the payment method is currently associated to an active or paused recurring transaction, and it cannot be deleted because of that.


In order to delete the payment method, you will have to complete one of the steps below.


  • Update the payment method instead of deleting it
    If you are ultimately trying to have your recurring transaction process to a new card, then you can update the payment method that you have on file instead of deleting it. When you update a payment method that is tied to a recurring transaction, your updated payment method will still be used to process your recurring transaction. You can update the payment method by following the steps in the link below.

    Update a Saved Payment Method

  • Edit the recurring transaction so that you can add a new card to it
    If you edit your recurring transaction and add a new card to it, you will then be able to delete the payment method that was previously tied to it. You can edit your recurring transaction by following the steps in the link below. When you get to step 6 of the "Edit Your Recurring" section, be sure to select the Add Payment Method button. 

    At this point, if the payment method that you want to get rid of is also tied to other recurring transactions, then you will need to edit those recurrings as well to associate them to the new card. When you get to step 6 of the "Edit Your Recurring" section in the link below, you will select the new payment method that you just added.

    View/Edit your Recurring Transactions

  • Delete the recurring transaction that is tied to the payment method
    If you delete the recurring transaction, you will then be able to delete the payment method that is tied to it. If the same payment method is tied to multiple recurrings, then you will need to delete each recurring before you can delete the payment method. You can delete a recurring transaction by following the steps in the link below.

    Pause or Cancel your Recurring Transaction
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